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Safety Planning can save your life

One size does not fit all, "Safety planning is Unique"

Be Informed. Be Aware. Be an Advocate for your own personal safety. Rember only you know how your abuser thinks and reacts. 

What is a Safety Plan?

A safety plan is a tailored, practical plan to improve your safety when you are experiencing abuse, preparing to leave an abusive situation, or following your departure from an abusive situation. 

Why should I use a safety plan?

In the event that a crisis may happen, thinking clearly or making logical decisions might be difficult, which is why preparing a safety plan may seem to a good solution to preparing to leave your abuser. In high-stress situations, developing a safety plan ahead of time can be extremely beneficial as well as life changing.

How do I create a safety plan?

A safety plan is unique to each individual's situation. Remember that you are the expert. When creating a safety plan, it is essential that you prepare yourself as though you will never return to the home.  

Domestic Violence Personal Safety Planning 

Resource: National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence

Your Safety is first Priority

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