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Committed to Helping Families 

Families Against Domestic Violence Corp.

The Woman Behind Creating Families Against Domestic Violence Corp

“I believe that families can thrive together and work through their differences with the support of assertive advocacy, community support, and the will to live together in harmony."

     On March 12, 1983, at the age of 6 years old, Latrice Jackson-Anderson, founder of FADV, was injured during a domestic violence dispute between her mother and father. Latrice was accidentally shot by her mother who was trying to protect them from her father during the domestic violence dispute. The tragic accident caused Latrice to be D.O.A. (Dead on Arrival). The injury from the gunshot (38-calibre) wound resulted in Latrice being diagnosed with a C-7 cervical spinal cord injury, quadriplegic, and paralyzed from the chest down. 

Latrice believes that God gave her a second chance at life to advocate for children who have been victimized and/or traumatized during their parents' domestic violence disputes. 

     Latrice believes that through education, resources and advocacy parents can walk away with tools needed to have a safe home environment for their children.

Picture 1: Latrice Three Heart Award

Picture 2: Employee of Peoria Polic​e Department ​Victim Assistance Unit

Picture 3: Latrice with the Chief of Police (Chief Minter, Peoria AZ) at the Gala Awards. presented the Three Heart Award from the Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence

Latrice has since gone on to live a productive fulfilling life advocating for others who are differently abled and victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, sex trafficking, and child abuse. Latrice has volunteered and worked as a Victim Advocate for Peoria Police department in Arizona for numerous years before she boldly decided to start her own non-profit organization to assist families (men, women, and children) that have experienced domestic violence.

Latrice earned her Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice while attending Chicago State University and also earned her Master's degree while attending Arizona State University in Family and Human Development. Latrice completed her Victim Advocacy credentialing at the Advanced Level at the National Office of Victim Rights by completing over 15,000 hours of advocacy training and hands on assistance. She has been recognized numerous times for her work in the field of advocacy including being presented with the "Three Heart Award" by Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence. 

"My heart breaks when I think of the many families who are broken due to domestic violence. Because the conditions of any sort of violence is inhumane and should not be tolerated, no one should have to live in fear. Families Against Domestic Violence Corp wants to be a part of the solution to end domestic violence.

I remember the fear, the sounds of violence, the individuals that turned a blind eye to the abuse my mother encountered. The visual and mental recordings of the abuse that was endured in my household still ring in my mind to this day.

I have learned how to cope with the pain and the fact that my life due to domestic violence will forever be changed. Resiliency and the will to go on with my life is what gives me the strength to help other victims of domestic violence."

"Children are the silent voices that go unheard during domestic violence disputes. Children are the forgotten victims of domestic violence. They are the victims that go unnoticed, unheard, and given no help.

There are hidden scars, nightmares, and PTSD that children suffer due to witnessing domestic violence, whether it be mentally, physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually."

Latrice vows to "Leave No Family member Behind" acknowledging that men, women, and children deserve the right to all services provided by Families Against Domestic Violence Corp. We can end domestic violence together by assisting one family at a time.

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